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What is the difference between patch and vulnerability issues in Nanitor?

Nanitor supports identifying missing security patches on multiple Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. To see if a given device supports patch checks, you can check the Supported Features in the Asset detail (see asset action documentation).

Note that security patches typically fix multiple vulnerabilities in software which includes both Operating systems and applications.

On the other hand a vulnerability is a single problem in a software that can be exploited to gain control over a system (or crash it, depending on the nature of the vulnerability). In most cases, applying a patch or updating the software will resolve a vulnerability.

However, in some cases where software is not maintained, a vulnerability may not have any published patches. In that case, the only remediation may be to remove the software.

Understanding the differences between patch and vulnerability issues is important for effective use of Nanitor. While intertwined, they address distinct areas: patch issues concern the operational aspect and compliance, reflecting IT practices, whereas vulnerability issues focus on the security perspective, highlighting potential threats. Below is a concise comparison to clarify these two components:

Aspect Vulnerability Issues Patch Issues
Definition A specific weakness in software (including applications, OS, firmware) that can be exploited. A targeted update or fix limited to a given application/software title, designed to rectify a vulnerability, and issued by the vendor of that application/software.
Source & Identification Identified by security researchers or developers; assigned a unique CVE number by MITRE through CNAs. Collected from the NVD. Identified, created, and published by the software vendors of the specific application or software, often associated with specific vendor advisories and patch identifiers.
Severity & Priority Severity assessed by CVSS, likelihood of exposure defined by EPSS. Default priority rating of 7; adjusted higher based on the related vulnerability's priority.
Impact & Resolution May affect multiple software products; may require multiple patches. Fixes one or more vulnerability issues, depending on the specific case. Critical for resolving identified weaknesses in the given application or software.
Performance & Security Perspective Focuses on identifying and addressing the most severe weaknesses from a security standpoint. Analyzes the speed and efficiency of fixing, crucial for evaluating patch performance.
Relationship & Dependencies Interdependent with patches; each patch issue expected to fix one or more vulnerabilities; exceptions may exist where alternate mitigations are required. Dependent on vulnerabilities; each patch is designed to address specific vulnerabilities identified in the system.

Why Separate Patch and Vulnerability Issues?

Nanitor's choice to separate "patch" and "vulnerability" issues, rather than combining them, is influenced by several key factors:

  1. Clarity and Specificity: Separating these issues provides a clearer picture of the system's security and operational status. Patches are oriented towards operational aspects, compliance, and the IT practice of applying fixes, while vulnerabilities are concerned with potential security threats.

  2. Accuracy and Detail: Vulnerability checks can be more complex and detailed, taking into consideration specific configurations and other factors. Treating vulnerabilities separately from patches ensures a more accurate representation and handling of the unique characteristics of each vulnerability.

  3. Flexible Management: A single vulnerability may require multiple patches, especially when embedded within other software (e.g., log4j log4shell vulnerability). Conversely, one patch might address multiple vulnerabilities. Separate categories allow for more nuanced and flexible management of these complex relationships.

  4. Comprehensive Analysis: This separation facilitates a deeper analysis from both the threat perspective (vulnerabilities) and an operational perspective (patches), offering a broad understanding of the system's status.

  5. Alignment with Best Practices: The distinction aligns with cybersecurity best practices, allowing for a targeted response to different issues, be it vulnerabilities in software (including applications, OS, firmware) or specific patches issued by vendors.

  6. Monitoring Patching Effectiveness: IT departments can use Nanitor to monitor the effectiveness of their patching program, including adherence to SLAs, making it an essential tool for operational compliance.

  7. Complexities of Real-world Scenarios: In certain scenarios such as with vulnerabilities in dependencies (e.g. the log4j log4shell vulnerability), the situation can be multifaceted. A vulnerability can be embedded in multiple software items, requiring different patches for multiple applications. Having separate categories gives a more clear overview for the status of the given vulnerability from a security perspective.

In conclusion, separating patch and vulnerability issues in Nanitor ensures clarity, accuracy, flexibility, comprehensive understanding, alignment with best practices, effective monitoring, and adaptability to real-world complexities. This approach supports a more detailed and effective response to the unique challenges posed by vulnerabilities and the associated patches.